M.L. STOUGHTON has been a wedding DJ, balloon-toting clown, travel agent, and dental assistant. Married with two grown daughters, a super spoiled pup, and three kitty overlords, she lives in upstate New York and loves all things paranormal – especially when there’s kissing.
M.L. is a hybrid author with seven titles. Her first novel, Pleasantwick, won a gold medal in the 2017 Readers’ Favorite Awards and was chosen as the “Official Selection” for Young Adult Fantasy in the 2017 New Apple Summer E-book Awards.
Publishing as MICHELE LINDSEY, her first release, Yetta’s Yearning, remained in Amazon’s top #100 for American Historical Romance for five months, launching her “Sunsets and Saddles” series. She is a member of RWA (Romance Writers of America) and its local chapter, STAR (Southern Tier Authors of Romance). She enjoys book coaching and helping new authors learn the ropes.